Thursday, December 17, 2009

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SAP Solution Manager Demo
I may be able to setup demo or prototype in your system for

  • Service Desk
  • Change Request Management
  • Business Process Monitoring (BPM)
  • Implementation Tool
  • Solution Documentation Assistance (SoDocA)

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My Blogs on SAP Solution Manager:

SAP Solution Manager Consultant
Run SAP Certified in SAP Solution Manager  

Critical Business Process Monitoring (BPM) in SAP Solution Manager

Business Process & Interface Monitoring in SAP Solution Manager? And how SAP customers can get maximum benefits from it?

SAP Solution Manager is a Software Life Cycle management tool and is based on the ITIL standards. Most of the SAP’s recommended best practices can be implemented using SAP Solution Manager. ‘Business Process and Interface Monitoring’ is one of the SAP’s recommended standards. SAP Solution Manager is free or I can say it is part of your annual licensing fee

Customers are very concerned as there is an increase in total cost of ownership Implementation, Upgrade and IT Operations. Therefore, it is necessary to automate repetitive duties of IT Operation like daily monitoring of critical business processes.

Once the product goes live into the production, using SAP Solution Manager’s Business Process Monitoring tool, we can proactively monitor crucial business processes and associated monitoring objects like : Background Jobs, Dialogue Performance, Update Errors, Application Logs, Document Volume and Interfaces, and escalate the problem and resolve performance issues quickly based on agreed KPI’s with least impact on business.

How to implement Business Process Monitoring or how to use Run SAP Methodologies for the implementation of Business Process and Interface Monitoring?

As you know “ASAP methodology” for new/upgrade Implementation project, similarly “Run SAP methodology” for implementation of Operation standards. Business Process & Interface Monitoring is one of the SAP’s best standards. You can implement Business Process & Interface Monitoring using SAP’s Run SAP methodology. SAP Solution Manager has the built in Run SAP Roadmaps. It provides all the clear Steps with Accelerators, Milestones and Quality Gates involved during the ‘Assessment & Scoping’, ‘Design’, ‘Build &Test’, ‘Handover into Production‘’ and continuous ‘Optimization’ Phases.

How to identify the critical business Processes of a business?

Business Team may be aware of critical business process and the threshold values they are interested in. Most of the time Business Team may not know business processes and associated technical objects that need to be monitored.

Following ways you can gather your critical business Processes, Components and Interfaces information.

If the Business champions know critical Business Processes of Production system, they can provide the requirement document with the threshold values.

Or Business and Technical team has to investigate (in their Customer Solution Landscape) which business process and associates objects need to be monitored with threshold values

Or if the business processes are part of solution defined in the SAP Solution directory then it is easy to utilize the Business Processes and objects

Or Using ‘Solution documentation Assistance’.

What is ‘Solution Documentation Assistance’?

SAP aware about the complex and challenging process of assessing and documenting crucial business Processes, components, custom codes and interfaces. If you setup Solution Document Assistance in SAP Solution Manager, it will capture, analyze and document objects usage like business processes, custom Codes, interfaces that are frequently in use and obsolete. The analyzer provide detail information on how often specific Business Processes and associated objects are in use. Based on that, it is easy to document and define crucial Process structure for Business Process and Interface Monitoring

Configuration of Business Process Monitoring:

When the crucial business Process and associated monitoring objects are identified like: Business Processes, Process Steps, Components, Background Jobs, Dialogue Performance, Update Errors, Application Logs, Document Volume and Interfaces with respective threshold values, setup of Business Process and interface monitoring will begin. It mainly involves:

  1. Documenting Systems with logical component in SAP Solution ManagerCreating Solution in SAP Solution Manager
  2. Creating Business Processes
  3. Set up the Monitoring Customizing like defining Organization, Processes, Process steps, Monitoring object per step with technical details and threshold values, Assigning Monitoring transaction, Monitoring Tasks and Auto Email setup
  4. Setup Interface monitoring in remote system and in Solution Manager
  5. Generate customizing and Activate monitoring
  6. Drill down and check Alerts with detail messages in graphical view of defined crucial Business Processes
  7. From Solution manager connect to remote systems and confirm the resolved alert.
Security Roles of Business Process Monitoring:
  • SAP_SETUP_DSWP_BPM - Full authorization for session Business Process Monitoring in area operations setup
  • SAP_OP_DSWP_BPM - Full authorization for session Business Process Monitoring in area operations
  • Work Center role for BPM:
    Add following workcenter role SAP_SMWORK_BPM in addition to basic role SAP_SMWORK_BASIC
  • SAP_SUPPDESK_* / SAP_SUPPCF_* (in case of Service Provider)

My Blogs on SAP Solution Manager:

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| SAP and the SAP logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and several other countries. |
| My personal contents may not be up-to-date and correct. Please check the latest info at SAP AG site. Thanks! |

Document Management Functionality in SAP Solution Manager

New Features in SAP Solution Manager 7.0 Ehp

RFC and Http Connections - SAP Solution Manager

Change Request Management (ChaRM) - SAP Solution Manager

Change Request Management (ChaRM):
Bringing software and configuration changes or implementing new functionality to meet business demands has been a very big challenge to Management, Business, Technical, QA and Support Teams. There are many companies out there who still use phones, spreadsheets and emails to communicate, document change requests, implementation and approve. This is very laborious, time consuming, costly and scary affair.
SAP Solution Manager provides SAP’s recommended best standard called Change Request Management (ChaRM) in SAP Solution Manager which is built based on ITIL standards.
ChaRM contains 3 tiers -Management and Implementation, Change logistic. It involves bringing SAP (ABAP) and non-SAP (Java) changes in the production system with transparency, documentation, Workflow approval and security.
Change Request Management (ChaRM) can be used for Business Process changes, Implementation, Upgrade and Maintenance Projects.
ChaRM includes Regular or Normal Corrections, Urgent Corrections and Administrative changes.

Change Request Management Work Flow:
SAP Solution Manager provides workflow to create change request, classify/escalate, approve, authorize, build, test, deploy changes and review post-implementation. It has integration with TMS functionality. Thus, any changes that brings into the production system will have complete transparency through document tracking, security and accountability.

Security Roles and Authorization:

Requester: Creates Service Tickets and Change Requets
Service Desk Employee: Receives Service Tickets and Change Requests
Change Manager: Reviewes all Change Requests and catagoried and approve the Change Requests
Change Advisory Board: Steering Committe in the Change Management Process
Developer: Implements the changes and forward to Tester
Tester: Tests the changes and confirms the status
IT Operator: Imports changes in productions when satisfied with QA, training and well documentation.

Every company has specific requirements. Therefore, SAP delivered roles need to be copied and modified. Additional workcenter roles are also provided with SAP Solution Manager 7.0 SP 15, these roles need to be added if workcenter is setup. SAP recommends to use workcenter for every scenario in SAP Solution Manager including ChaRM.

SAP_CM_CHANGE_MANAGER_COMP - Approving or rejecting change requests.
SAP_CM_DEVELOPER_COMP - Corrections in the development system; Corrections in the maintenance and development systems
SAP_CM_TESTER_COMP - Testing corrections in the test system¸ Testing and validating corrections
SAP_CM_OPERATOR_COMP - Import corrections into the production system; Task lists
SAP_CM_PRODUCTION MANAGER_COMP - Import corrections into the production system; Approve imports into the production systems
SAP_SOCM_REQUESTER - Create change requests
SAP_CM_ADMINISTRATOR_COMP - Customize and check Change Request Management functions; Administrative and technical maintenance; The task list administrator in Change Request Management deals with the administrative and technical side of maintenance cycles and urgent corrections; in particular, the Schedule Manager task lists.
Work Center role for Change Request Management:
Add followoing workcenter role SAP_SMWORK_CHANGE_MAN in addition to basic role

My Blogs on SAP Solution Manager:

| © Copyright 2011 |
| SAP and the SAP logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and several other countries. |
| My personal contents may not be up-to-date and correct. Please check the latest info at SAP AG site. Thanks! |